NGC 4214 - irregular galaxy in Canis Venatici

Image Title: NGC 4214 - irregular galaxy in Canis Venatici

Copyright: Copyrright: Thomas Bähnck

Date image was taken: May 07, 2024

Location: Galicia, Spain

Image Description and Details: The irregular galaxy NGC 4214 is located around 14 million ly away in the constellation Canes Venatici.
The Image is only 6h of LRGB Data but contains L Frames with excellent seeing conditions. LRGB 164:56:68:76'
It is a 100% Crop from the field.
Imaged between 22.04. and 07.05.24

Equipment Details: 10" f/4 Newton with Touptek IMX571 on ASA DDM 60 Pro unguided

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AAPOD2 Title: NGC 4214 - irregular galaxy in Canis Venatici

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