Ngc 6960


Date image was taken: 10/20/2020

Image Title: Ngc 6960

Image Description and Details : End of filming on the west side of the veil nebula. I added more hours in dual band with the L-EXTREME filter and gave a correct coloration to the stars with a session of short poses in RGB.
I greet this wonder of the northern sky by giving it an appointment for next summer.

-------------------------------- Setup ----------------- --------------

Tecnosky apo 102/714 reduced to 585mm
EQ6-R mount
ZWO ASI Cameras 294 MC PRO cooled to -10 °
drives with Artesky 60 / 240mm and ZWO ASI Cameras 224 MC

-------------------------------- Image ----------------- --------------

57x600sec gain 200
Optolong Astronomy Filter Italia L-Extreme 2 "filter
Dark 31, Flat 31, Darkflat 21
60x60sec gain 120 Optolong Astronomy Filter Italia L-Pro 2 "filter

Dark 31 no flat

Tot integration 10.5h
Sky bortle 5.7

-------------------------------Software------------------ -----------

Sequence Generation Pro, Eqmode, Phd2 Guiding, Pixinsight 1.8, Photoshop

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Copyright Information: Valerio Avitabile

Charles Lillo

I’ve been a dedicated to Squarespace fan for 20 years. Love the product, people and company.

vdB9 in Cassiopeia


NGC 7793