Image Title: Orion
Date image was taken: 12/1/2022
Image Description and Details : Winter is here and so is Orion the Hunter. Visible to the naked eye as a fuzzy patch in the middle of Orion’s belt it is a target all astrophotographers have imaged or viewed at some time or the other. The net is replete with images ranging from the very wide to the very long. Orion is a tough image to capture due its high dynamic range between the Trapezium stars in its core and the faint dust clouds and gases which surround the region. In this 22hr long integration I tried to being out all the faint details while trying to preserve the core.
Telescope: Takahashi E160ed
Camera: Zwo 6200mm pro
Mount: Software Bisque Paramount MX+
Observatory : Deep Sky Chile
L = 120x2mins, 24x0.5s
R= 120x2mins, 24 x0.5s
G= 135x2mins, 24x0.5s
B= 120x2mins, 24x0.5s
Ha = 90x4mins, 24x1s
Total integration = 22h31m
Acquisition = N.I.N.A
Processing = PixInsight
Copyright: vikas chander
Email: vikaschander@rolexhosiery.com
Website or Facebook Profile: http://www.vikaschander.com
AAPOD2 Title: Orion
AAPOD2 Page Link: https://www.aapod2.com/blog/orion
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