The Horsehead Nebula

Image Title: The Horsehead Nebula

Copyright: Credits and Copyrights: Yusuf Khan, Wei Whang, Harshwardhan Pathak (Processing)

Date image was taken: March 04, 2025

Location: Shravasthi, India/ Yushan National Park, China

Data Acquisition Method: Personal Telescope Setup

If other selected: Presenting our best capture of the Horsehead Nebula in Orion, a collaboration between Wei Huang (Taiwan), Yusuf Khan (India), and me, Harshwardhan Pathak. Wei captured this stunning image using a Takahashi FSQ 106 refractor and a modified Canon 6D from the dark skies of Taiwan, with 4 hours of exposure. Yusuf contributed 7 hours of data from Shravasti, UP, India. The challenge came in processing the data — combining both sets increased the signal-to-noise ratio by +7dB and boosted resolution, thanks to the full-frame camera. Stacking the data was a mind-blowing experience, especially managing the delicate balance of details in the dust, Flame Nebula, and Alnitak to avoid overblowing any parts. This is by far our best Horsehead Nebula capture yet!"

Image Description and Details: The iconic dark nebula named Horsehead nebula(barnard 33) and towards the left another reflection nebula in the Orion constellation called flame nebula(ngc2024). These nebula’s can be easily found in the night sky, horsehead and flame nebula can be found near the star Alnitak whereas the Orion nebula can be found near the orion’s belt towards the south.

132* 300 secs
With 50 calibration frames each
Total of 11 hours of exposure

Equipment Details: Telescope: TAKAHASHI FSQ 106, William Optics Red cat 51
Camera: ZWO ASI 533 Pro, Canon 6D(Modified)
Mount: Skywatcher Star Adventurer GTI, Astro Physics MAC2 GTO
Filters: Optolong L Pro

Name: Harshwardhan Pathak

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Charles Lillo

I’ve been a dedicated to Squarespace fan for 20 years. Love the product, people and company.

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