Rho Ophiuchi

Rho Ophiuchi

Date image was taken: June 01, 2023

Image Description and Details : Two-panel mosaic shot over six nights at the Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in Kanab, Utah

Rho Ophiuchi - Stellar Nursery in the Constellation Ophiuchus

Nestled within the celestial embrace of the constellation Ophiuchus lies the captivating stellar nursery known as Rho Ophiuchi. Located at a distance of approximately 460 light-years from Earth, this cosmic wonderland unfolds with an awe-inspiring display of interstellar clouds, stellar birth, and celestial sculpting. Rho Ophiuchi showcases a mesmerizing interplay of vibrant hues, where dense dust and gas form intricate filaments and intricate structures against the backdrop of a starry tapestry.

Copyright: Timothy Martin

Charles Lillo

I’ve been a dedicated to Squarespace fan for 20 years. Love the product, people and company.


The jewels of Cygnus


RCW 104