Date image was taken: 7/28/2020
Image Title: Sh2-119
Image Description and Details : Sh2-119 is a vast emission nebula visible in the Swan constellation. Very close to the famous North America nebula, it has the shape of 2 shells which, disposing themselves to the east and west of the star 68 Cygni, seem to want to wrap it. In the southern part (on the left) of the nebula, thin filaments and cocoons of dark nebulae are visible, which contrast strongly with the nebula and the star field.
Its distance from us is about 2200 light years.
Photo taken with Takahashi FSQ106 EDXIII f/3.6
Sbig STL11000 ccd camera
Losmandy G11 mount.
Autoguide Orion SSAG on Orion ShortTube 80/400.
LHRGB processing.
Filters L Astronomik CLS CCD; Ha Astrodon 6nm; RGB Astronomik DeepSky RGB. Poses L 26x900sec, Ha 30x1200sec; RGB 12x600.
Shooting automation with Voyager software.
Location, Casole d'Elsa home garden (SI)
Copyright Information: Maurizio Cabibbo
AAPOD2 Title: Sh2-119
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