
Image Description:

This is an image of SH2-308, also known as the Dolphin Head Nebula. It is a huge bubble of mostly ionized oxygen gas about 5,200 light years away in the constellation Canis Major. It is formed by the strong solar winds of a Wolf-Rayet star near the center of the nebula. Wolf-Rayet stars are about 20 times the mass of the sun and are thought to be in the pre-supernova stage of star evolution. The nebula spans an area about the size of the full moon and is about 60 light years in diameter.

November 11, 2021                    

Location: Rio Hurtado, Chile         

Telescope: ASA 500N                  

Camera: FLI PL16803                  

Mount: ASA DDM85                     

Ha: 16x10 minutes (binned 1x1)       

OIII: 20x10 minutes (binned 1x1)     

RGB: 4x5 minutes each (binned 1x1)   

Copyright 2021 Bernard Miller        


The "Great Orion nebula" and "Running man nebula"


M16 - SHO, the Pillars of Creation