SH2-71 & SH2-72, dark nebula and IFNs Wide field

SH2-71 & SH2-72

Image Title: SH2-71 & SH2-72, dark nebula and IFNs Wide field

Date image was taken: August 06, 2023

Image Description and Details: Located in the Eagle constellation. This is on the bottom left SH2-72, 5800 light year away. Near shé-72, the little SH2-71 is also visible.
SH2-71 and SH2-72 are distinct emission nebulae found in the Milky Way's Sagittarius arm. SH2-71, also known as Gum 48, resides in Scutum and houses a cluster of young, hot stars that energize the surrounding gas, resulting in intricate structures shaped by their interplay. SH2-72, the Omega Nebula or Messier 17, in Sagittarius, showcases its iconic "omega" shape and serves as a fertile ground for star formation, revealing insights into the processes governing the birth of stars and their interaction with their cosmic surroundings.

Setup: Espilon 130D with RisingCam IMX571 mono

Exposure: 15h Ha LRVB

Processing: Siril and Pixinsight

Copyright: Thierry BOUFFLET

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Charles Lillo

I’ve been a dedicated to Squarespace fan for 20 years. Love the product, people and company.

Abell 61 Planetary Nebula


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