

This is a small emission nebula visible in the Arrow constellation.

It’s located in the central part of the constellation, in a region of the Milky Way heavily darkened.

The cloud can be identified and photographed by using filters and medium-strong zooms. The best period to observe it in the evening sky falls from June to November.

Sh2-82 is an H II region associated with a reflection nebula; according to the most credible estimates its distance is about 3590 light years. The main star responsible for the excitement of its gases is the main sequence blue star HD 231616, of magnitude 10.11 and a spectral class B0.5V.

Light 1260 x 60 seconds filter: Optolong L-QEF

Camera: Planetary Camera Asi 224 mc color

Telescope: Sky-Watcher Quattro 200P + SW Coma Corrector 1X

Guide camera: Asi 120 mini

Guide scope: 60 - 320 mm

Mount: Skywatcher Eq 6-r Pro

Acquisition: Asiair Plus

Software: DSS - Pixinsight - Photoshop

Shots: 02-05-29-31/08/2024

Location: Torricella (TA) ITALY

SQM: 19,50

Copyright: PRO’ GIACOMO.


NGC 6914

