Silver Coin Galaxy
Image Description and Details :
NGC 253 The Sculptor Galaxy. Also known as The Silver Coin or Silver Dollar Galaxy is an intermediate spiral galaxy in the constellation Sculptor. Discovered in 1783 by Caroline Herschel it is one of the brightest galaxies in the night sky.
Imaging dates: September 3 to October 3, 2021
LRGB - 9 hours 30 mins
Ha - 4 hours
Equipment list:
Takahashi TOA-150
Camera: FLI ML16200
Filter: Chroma LRGBSHO 8nm
Focuser: FLI Atlas
Focal Length: 1100mm
Focal Ratio: f/5.0
Pixels: 6μm
Image Scale: 1.1"
Mount: A-P 1600GTO-AE
Location: Deep Sky West, Chile
Copyright: Chris Parfett
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