Sl7 Dark Nebula

Image Title: Sl7 Dark Nebula

Copyright: vikas chander

Date image was taken: June 01, 2024

Location: Deep Sky Chile

Image Description and Details: Dark Nebula SL7 lies in the constellation of Lupus and its initials were attributed post a study by A. Sandqvist and K Lindroos in 1976. Quoting from 'Deep-Sky Companions: The Caldwell Objects'.. On a scale of opacity ranging from 1 to 6, SL7 is classified as a 6, meaning 'highly opaque'...Though it is about 4 moon diameters long, only about a dozen stars between 9th and 11th magnitude lie within its confines. ....Compared to SL7, the Coalsack Nebula appears very dark to the unaided eye. Yet through a telescope the Coalsack is littered with stars; its clouds do not appear black like those of this nebula." I can see many shapes formed by the dust clouds, a shoe, an octopus, a bird, a fork and a starfish…..

Equipment Details: Telescope: Takahashi E160ed F3.3
Camera: Zwo 6200mm pro
Mount: Software Bisque Paramount MX+
Observatory : Deep Sky Chile

R= 116 x 300s
G= 103 x 300s
B= 100 x 300s
Total integration = 26h35m
Software :PixInsight

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Charles Lillo

I’ve been a dedicated to Squarespace fan for 20 years. Love the product, people and company.

Ptolemy's Cluster in LRGB (M7 or NGC 6475)


SNR G304.4-3.1 Supernova Remnant in the constellation Musca