Small sunspots, large filaments (WL vs Ha)
Image Title: Small sunspots, large filaments (WL vs Ha)
Location: Rafaela, provincia de Santa Fe, Argentina.
Image Description and Details: Since the beginning of this year, the sun has displayed sunspots on its surface every day. However, in the last few weeks of October, both the quantity and size of these solar blemishes have significantly diminished.
On Saturday, October 28th, I pointed one of my telescopes at the sun. In white light, only a few small sunspots could be discerned. Yet, when I switched to my solar H-alpha telescope, the solar landscape underwent a dramatic transformation, allowing me to witness a textured disk with filaments and some prominences.
Undoubtedly, this type of telescope, equipped with special filters to observe the solar chromosphere, offers astronomy enthusiasts the chance to explore and photograph the intimate life of our star.
Equipment Details: WL (left): William Optics ZenithStar 81 telescope, Baader Herschel Prism, Baader Solar Continuum filter, ZWO 183MM camera.
Ha (Right): Coronado SolarMax III 70 Double Stack telescope, QHY 5-III 678M camera.
Copyright: Eduardo Schaberger Poupeau
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