Squid Nebula Sh2-129

Image Title: Squid Nebula Sh2-12

Copyright: Salvo Cucinotta @deepsalvo

Date image was taken: August 03, 2024

Location (was image taken with remote scope?): Maulazzo lake , Sicily , Italy

Image Description and Details: this is my version of the Squid nebula Sh2-129 in the constellation Cepheus. It was a project that lasted 2 years and 4 evenings in the darkest places in Sicily. In 2023 I acquired 2 evenings in the splendid setting of Lake Maulazzo on the Nebrodi by combining the L-eNhance filter with my 294 C. After a first integration I realized that the hours for such a difficult subject were not enough and that I would have needed a narrower filter. In 2024 I acquire 2 more nights, one at the Madonie star party organized by the Orsa Palermo association of which I am part and a last one again at the Maulazzo but this time for both using the SV 220 7nm filter which allows me to better isolate the band in oxygen and that is giving me good results.
It was a very complicated process, I tried and tried many times until I arrived at a result that satisfies me.

Equipment Details: Camera Qhy 294 c
Mount Skywatcher Eq6
Telescope Skywatcher 200/1000P
Filter SV220 SVBony
Acquisition with Astroarch - Raspi 4
Pixinsight and Photoshop integration and processing

Name: Salvo Cucinotta

Website or Facebook Profile: http://www.instagram.com/deepsalvo/

Charles Lillo

I’ve been a dedicated to Squarespace fan for 20 years. Love the product, people and company.


HFG1 | PK 136+05 "Breath of the Heavens"


Small Magellanic Cloud (NGC 292)