Star-trails and the star colors


Date image was taken: 5/28/2020

Image Title: Star-trails and the star colors

Image Description and Details : The color of the stars is linked to their "superficial" temperature (in quotation marks because the stars do not have surfaces, since they are not solid or liquid) - and, contrary to common sense where we associate blue with cold and red in the heat, the bluish / violet ones are the hottest, while the red ones are the coldest - The stars with peak emission in other bands of the visible spectrum have intermediate surface temperatures. Thus, exists stars with peak emission in practically the entire visible spectrum: blue, white, yellow, orange, red ...

Star-trails facilitate the perception of colors, since the stars are no longer punctual objects.

Star-trail - eastern horizon
Uberlândia / MG
05/28/2020 - between 9pm and 10pm
Canon EOS 6D modified
Bower 35mm F1.4, opened in F1.4
118x14s, ISO 800

Best resolution:

Copyright Information: Samuel Moitinho

Charles Lillo

I’ve been a dedicated to Squarespace fan for 20 years. Love the product, people and company.

Iris Nebula in Cepheus


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