Supernova Remnant SNR G 082.2+05.3 - Westerhout 63

Image Description and Details: In this image I captured the supernova remnant SNR G 082.2+05.3, located in the constellation Cygnus. This object was discovered by Dutch astronomer Gart Westerhout in 1958 during his radio observation campaigns.

The image emphasizes two specific emissions. The one in red is related to Hα, highlighting regions rich in ionized hydrogen. The one in blue is related to OIII, which brings out the supernova's filaments spanning several light years across in the image.

The OIII emission in this region is notably faint, requiring extended exposure to capture it. For this image, I dedicated 14 hours of exposure time in OIII to ensure the filaments were adequately contrasted against the background. The final integration time for the whole image has been almost 26 hours.

The capture details are the following:
Antlia EDGE H-alpha 4.5nm 36 mm: 69×300,″(5h 45′)
Antlia EDGE OIII 4.5 nm 36 mm: 168×300,″(14h)
Baader Blue (CMOS-Optimized) 36 mm: 120×60,″(2h)
Baader Green (CMOS Optimized) 36 mm: 120×60,″(2h)
Baader Red (CMOS-Optimized) 36 mm: 120×60,″(2h)
Total Integration Time:
25h 45′

The image has been captured from my own observatory in Àger, Catalunya, under a B3 sky during July 2024.

Equipment Details: AM5 Mount
TSOptics 94 EDPH f4,4
ASI 2600MM Pro
Antlia SHO EDGE filters + Baader RGB
Pegasus Powerbox v3

Name: Jordi Jofre




The Double Cluster