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2022, March 2022 Jason Matter 2022, March 2022 Jason Matter

47 Tucanae

Image Description:                    

Location: Rio Hurtado, Chile    

Telescope: ASA 500N             

Camera: FLI PL16803             

Mount: ASA DDM85                

Red: 7x10 minutes (binned 1x1)  

Green: 6x10 minutes (binned 1x1)

Blue: 7x10 minutes (binned 1x1) 

Copyright 2022 Bernard Miller   

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2021, August 2021 Jason Matter 2021, August 2021 Jason Matter


Here is 47 Tucanae, AKA NGC 104 from some time I booked on a telescope in Chile. It was harder than I thought it would be to process. This is a total of 1 hour and 40 minutes of exposure after I tossed 30 minutes of L due to 300s subs absolutely destroying the core of this. I wish I had done 2x more of R, G, and B rather than the 6x L. Still, it's a really cool looking glob!

Cooyright: Scotty Bishop

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