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2021, May 2021 Jason Matter 2021, May 2021 Jason Matter

Saturn and its moons

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Is Saturn your favourite?
It was looking a bit pretty on a chilly morning from the Blue Mountains. Nice conditions for this capture, and it's accompanied by four moons (l-r: Mimas, Dione, Tethys, Enceladus).

C14, ASI290MM, 15mins with RGB filters.

Copyright: Andy Casely

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2020 Monthly Winners, 2020 Jason Matter 2020 Monthly Winners, 2020 Jason Matter

Mars Approach 2020

Mars sequence for 2020 so far! Mars has spent the year approaching Earth, it's now closer than it will be for the next decade. Less dust than in 2018, it's more about watching spring headed into summer for Mars' southern hemisphere. Images go from February to the end of September.

All images Celestron C14 & ZWO ASI290MM camera.

Copyright: Andy Casely

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