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Sh2-171 / NGC 7822 – A Stellar Nursery in Cepheus
Sh2-171, part of the larger NGC 7822 complex, is a bright emission nebula located in the constellation Cepheus, approximately 3,000 light-years away. This active star-forming region is home to massive, young stars that carve the surrounding gas into intricate shapes through intense ultraviolet radiation and stellar winds. At the heart of NGC 7822 lies the star cluster Berkeley 59, containing some of the hottest known stars in our galaxy, including O-type stars that emit powerful radiation, shaping the surrounding nebula.
This deep image captures the complex interplay of ionized hydrogen (Hα) and sculpted dust pillars, remnants of ongoing star formation. The nebula’s intricate filaments and dark globules represent dense regions where new stars are still forming. Sh2-171 provides an excellent laboratory for studying the effects of massive stars on their environments, as their radiation and winds disperse surrounding material, influencing the next generation of stellar birth.