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2020 Charles Lillo 2020 Charles Lillo

Pelican Nebula also known as IC 5070

Pelican Nebula ( in SHO ) also known as IC 5070 is a large area of emission nebula in the constellation Cygnus, close to Deneb. It bears a resemblance to a pelican, hence its name.

The image was taken during 4 nights and is a total of aprox. 11h of data.
Equipment used :
Baader Narrowband filters
Ha(7nm) - 70x300sec
Oiii (8.5nm)- 8x1200sec
Sii(8nm) - 10x1200sec
Televue Np101 telescope
EQ8_PRO Mount
Moravian G3_16200 camera
SG-4 standalone autoguider and Borg50 guidescope
Data captured with SGpro,alligned and stacked with ccd_stack 2 and processed in Pixinsight.
Location - Henlow (Bedfordshire).

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