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NGC 602 Flying Lizard Nebula and Neighbors
Image Description and Details :
NGC 602 or the Flying Lizard Nebula and its neighbors lie near the outskirts of the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) some 200,000 light-years away. 204 x 300s SHO subs shot @-10C spread across 5 nights for a total integration time of about 17hrs Equipment used:Skywatcher 10" f4 Newtonian 250PSkywatcher F4 Aplanatic Coma CorrectorSkywatcher NEQ6 Pro Hypertuned by Astronomy Academy PerthZWO ASI2600MM Pro Cooled CameraPrimaluce Sesto Senso2 Electronic FocuserWilliam Optics Uniguide 50/200mm guidescopeZWO ASI290MM Mini Guide CameraZWO Electronic Filter WheelAntlia Pro 36mm unmounted filtersRollon rolloff modified shed observatoryBortle 5Data acquisition software: NINA Astronomy SoftwareProcessing software: PixInsight and Photoshop CC
Copyright: Capturing Ancient Photons