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Regulus | Leo I
In this striking celestial portrait, the brilliant star Regulus, the heart of the constellation Leo, shines as a dazzling beacon against the cosmic backdrop. A massive blue-white main-sequence star, Regulus is one of the brightest stars in the night sky, spinning at an incredible speed—so fast that it takes on an oblate shape, stretched by its own rapid rotation.
Drifting near this stellar giant is Leo I, a faint but fascinating dwarf spheroidal galaxy. Situated about 820,000 light-years away, this satellite galaxy of the Milky Way is one of the most distant and elusive of the Local Group. Its diffuse structure is barely visible against the overwhelming glare of Regulus, making it a challenging target for observation. Despite its faintness, Leo I is an ancient relic of the early universe, home to predominantly older, metal-poor stars that formed billions of years ago.
This image, taken from Jalisco, México, masterfully balances the stark contrast between the intensely bright foreground star and the delicate, ghostly presence of Leo I. As light from these objects travels across vast cosmic distances, it offers a glimpse into both the brilliance of stellar evolution and the quiet persistence of galaxies bound to the Milky Way's gravitational influence.
M77: Cetus A
Cetus A, also known as NGC 1052, is a prominent elliptical galaxy situated in the constellation Cetus. This galaxy is classified as an active galaxy, hosting a supermassive black hole at its center. The presence of an active galactic nucleus contributes to Cetus A being a strong source of radio waves.
Cetus A exhibits distinctive features, including a large envelope of gas and dust that extends beyond the visible boundaries of the galaxy. This material is thought to be associated with ongoing interactions or mergers with smaller galaxies, contributing to the dynamic and complex nature of Cetus A.
Partial Lunar Eclipse
Image Description and Details :
Celestron C5+Canon 60DExposure time: 2 secondsIso: 800F: 10Focal Lenght: 1250 mm.Process: Lightroom + PixinsightGuillermo Cervantes MosquedaObservatorio Astronómico AltaïrPoncitlán Jalisco México
Copyright: Guillermo Cervantes Mosqueda
Lunar Eclipse May 26 2021
Image Description and Details :
Canon 60D
Celestron Schmidt Cassegrain 8"
Focal Reducer Celestron 0.63x
Celestron CGEM
Exposure Time: 2s
Iso: 1600
F: 6.3
Focal Distance: 1260 mm.
Guillermo Cervantes Mosqueda
Observatorio Astronómico Altaïr
Poncitlán Jalisco México
Copyright: Guillermo Cervantes Mosqueda
Sun’s Green Flash & Yacht
Image Description and Details :
Canon 60DWilliam Optics Zenithstar 70EDTripodeExp: 1/500sIso: 100LrGuillermo Cervantes MosquedaObservatorio Astronómico AltaïrPoncitlán Jalisco México
Copyright Information: Guillermo Cervantes Mosqueda
ISS Transit on the Moon
Image Description and Details : Ocotlán Jalisco MéxicoTakahashi FS60ZWO ASI120MC-SSky-Watcher Star Adventurer15 Frames de la ISSCaptura: FirecaptureProcesado: Autostakkert + Ps + Pixinsight 1.8Guillermo Cervantes MosquedaObservatorio Astronómico AltaírOcotlán Jalisco México
Copyright Information: Guillermo Cervantes Mosqueda
Andromeda Galaxy Complex
Image Description and Details :
Canon T3i (Dr. Caos)Samyang 135Sky Watcher Star AdventurerIntervalometroTomas: 60x60sIso: 1600F: 2.2Pixinsight 1.8Guillermo Cervantes MosquedaObservatorio CeCuCiMixtlán Jalisco México
Copyright Information: Guillermo Cervantes Mosqueda
Chromosphere and Photosphere Composition
Chromosphere and Photosphere Composition April 9, 2020 "Meade 60
Herschel's Prism
Optolon L + Baader Solar Continuum
Sky Watcher Star-Adventures
Coronado PST
Sky Watcher Star-Adventures
Frames: 1000
Frames Stack: 750
Autostakkert + Registax + Ps
IC 1848: The Soul Nebula
Takahashi FSQ106 EDX3
Baader Ha (7nm), OIII (8.5nm) SII (8nm)
Guia 50 mm. + Orion Starshoot Autoguider
Celestron CGEM
Ha: 60x300s
OIII: 60x300s
SII: 40x300s
Temperatura Sensor: -10°C
F: 5
Captura: Sequence Generator
Procesado: Pixinsight 1.8 + Darktable
Guillermo Cervantes Mosqueda
Observatorio Astronómico Altaír
Poncitlán Jalisco México
Copyright: Guillermo Cervantes Mosqueda