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2024, June 2024 Charles Lillo 2024, June 2024 Charles Lillo

Bernard 72 Snake Nebula

Barnard 72, commonly known as the Snake Nebula, is a dark nebula located in the constellation Ophiuchus. This intriguing formation of interstellar dust and gas is approximately 650 light-years away from Earth and stretches over several light-years across the sky. Its sinuous, snake-like shape is caused by dense regions of dust obscuring the light from the stars behind it, creating a striking silhouette against the Milky Way's backdrop.

The Snake Nebula is part of a larger complex of dark nebulae cataloged by astronomer E.E. Barnard in the early 20th century. These dark clouds are sites of future star formation, as the dense material within them can collapse under gravity to form new stars and planetary systems. Observing Barnard 72 and other dark nebulae helps astronomers study the processes involved in star birth and the evolution of galaxies.

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