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Solar Total Eclipse (HDR)

This HDR composite image of the Solar Total Eclipse, photographed in Arkansas, USA, captures the celestial event in stunning detail. The image is a blend of nine different exposures, ranging from 1/200 to 1.3 seconds, meticulously combined to reveal the intricate details of the eclipse. Visible in the photograph are the moonshine, the Sun's corona, and several solar protuberances, showcasing the dynamic interplay between the Moon and the Sun during this rare alignment.

The blending of multiple exposures allows for a comprehensive view of the eclipse, balancing the brightness of the Sun's corona with the subtle glow of the moonshine. The Sun's corona, the outermost part of its atmosphere, appears as a halo of plasma, visible only during a total solar eclipse. The solar protuberances, or prominences, are large, bright features extending from the Sun's surface, composed of hot ionized gases. This detailed capture not only highlights the beauty of the eclipse but also provides a scientific glimpse into the complex phenomena occurring in our solar system.

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