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2024, August 2024 Charles Lillo 2024, August 2024 Charles Lillo


This stunning mosaic captures the North America Nebula (NGC 7000) and the Pelican Nebula (IC 5070), two prominent emission nebulae in the constellation Cygnus. Located approximately 1,600 light-years from Earth, these nebulae are part of a larger region of ionized hydrogen gas (H II region), creating a vibrant and colorful display in the night sky.

The North America Nebula, named for its resemblance to the continent, features distinct regions resembling the Gulf of Mexico, the eastern seaboard, and the west coast. The Pelican Nebula, adjacent to the North America Nebula, also has a recognizable shape, resembling a pelican with its long beak and curved neck. This mosaic image, created by combining multiple frames, highlights the intricate details and structures within these nebulae, showcasing dark dust lanes, bright emission regions, and areas of active star formation.

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