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September 2023, 2023 Charles Lillo September 2023, 2023 Charles Lillo


Sh2-120, a celestial gem hidden within the vastness of space, reveals its stunning beauty in this OSC image. Nestled in the constellation Cepheus, this emission nebula is a captivating testament to the cosmic forces at play. Located approximately 6,000 light-years away from Earth, Sh2-120 is a stellar nursery where new stars are born from the surrounding interstellar gas and dust. In this exquisite view. The image showcases the delicate balance of reds, pinks, and blues in Sh2-120, offering a glimpse into the dynamic and ever-evolving tapestry of our universe. This celestial wonder serves as a reminder of the ongoing cosmic drama, where stars are born and the cosmos continually reshapes itself in a breathtaking display of celestial artistry.

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