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2024, July 2024 Charles Lillo 2024, July 2024 Charles Lillo

SNR G304.4-3.1 Supernova Remnant in the constellation Musca

SNR G304.4-3.1 is a supernova remnant located in the constellation Musca, within the vicinity of the Theta Muscae multiple star system, approximately 7400 light years from Earth. This fascinating object is the aftermath of a stellar explosion, providing a glimpse into the cataclysmic events that shape the cosmos. The intricate structures within the remnant are a testament to the powerful forces unleashed during the supernova, which continue to interact with the surrounding interstellar medium.

Captured over a total integration time of 36 hours and 37 minutes, this image was taken using Ha, OIII, and RGB filters under the pristine Bortle 2.0 skies of Desierto Cósmico, Atacama, Chile. The resulting composite reveals the delicate interplay of hydrogen and oxygen emissions, with vivid colors highlighting different elements and processes within the remnant. The location's exceptionally dark skies allow for a detailed and deep view of this celestial wonder, emphasizing the ethereal beauty and scientific significance of supernova remnants in our galaxy.

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