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July, July 2024, 2024 Charles Lillo July, July 2024, 2024 Charles Lillo

Selenochromatic almost Full Moon

This image presents the Moon in a selenochromatic view, enhancing the colors to better showcase the differences in soil compositions across its surface. By exaggerating the natural hues, this technique highlights variations in mineral content and soil types that are not visible to the naked eye. The dark basaltic plains, known as lunar maria, appear in shades of blue and gray, indicating high levels of titanium and iron.

In contrast, the highlands, which are rich in anorthosite and calcium, show up in brighter colors, often with a reddish or orange tint. This enhanced color view provides valuable insights into the geological history of the Moon, revealing the complex processes that have shaped its surface over billions of years. Through these subtle differences, scientists can better understand the Moon's composition and the impact history of the lunar surface.

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