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2021, May 2021 Jason Matter 2021, May 2021 Jason Matter

Sunspot Nº2814 with a dual process

Image Description and Details :

This cycle 25 started powerfull, but this days there are not much activity. A little group of 3 subgroups are now active, so I grabbed the equipment and go to shoot it. Testing processing options, I discover a way to enhance the faculaes, so I made a dual proccesed image of the sunspot and full disk.Tube: SkyWatcher ED 72/420 with a Baader Astrosolar OD 5.0 filter.Camera: QHY 294CFilters: Zwo IR/UV cut and Baader Solar Continuum Mount: SkyWatcher AZ-GTI over a Manfrotto 055 tripod.Barlow: GSO 2.5x.

Copyright: Enol Matilla

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2020 Jason Matter 2020 Jason Matter

Partial Solar Eclipse 2020

Partial Solar Eclipse 2020 in Hydrogen-alpha with lots of solar prominences captured on the day of Summer Solstice. Click the link below to see the full resolution.

Esprit 80mm APO - Daystar quark chromosphere - UV/IR cut - Canon 6D - AZEQ6
Mleiha, UAE

Copyright: Prabhu S Kutti

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2020 Jason Matter 2020 Jason Matter

Our Star The Sun

Our star, the sun, is 4,57 billion years old and belongs to the spectral class G2V yellow-orange. She is a so-called yellow dwarf at best age compared to other stars. We will still be approx. Another 4,5 billion years can enjoy her. However, their end will also be our end...
The shot shows the AR2765 sunspot and a protuberance, an ejection of hot gas, on the surface.

Surface Temperature / Surface Temperature:
~ 5700 ℃
Rotation duration / rotation period: 25,4 days
Distance to Earth / Distance to earth: ~ 149,6 million km
Diameter / Diameter: ~ 1,4 million km

Recording data / capture data:
🔭: Lunt LS152 H-alpha
📷: Zwo ASI 120MM mini
🗓: 12.06.2020 17:43 o'clock
👨 💻: Sharpcap, Autostackkert, Photoshop

Copyright: J-N Photography

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