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Saturn Tethys & Dione
Saturn's captivating moon system includes Tethys and Dione, two intriguing worlds of icy beauty. Tethys, the fifth-largest moon of Saturn, boasts a diameter of around 1,060 kilometers (660 miles). Named after the Greek Titan Tethys, it features the colossal Odysseus crater, spanning approximately 450 kilometers (280 miles). Tethys is further distinguished by mysterious reddish-brown streaks known as 'tiger stripes' that adorn its surface. Meanwhile, Dione, Saturn's fourth-largest moon, with a diameter of about 1,123 kilometers (698 miles), exhibits striking wispy cliffs, thought to be icy fractures. Discovered by Giovanni Domenico Cassini in 1684 and named after the Titan Dione from Greek mythology, these moons have been the focus of scientific exploration, including missions like Cassini-Huygens, which unraveled their secrets and unveiled their unique features.
Saturn and its moons
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Is Saturn your favourite?
It was looking a bit pretty on a chilly morning from the Blue Mountains. Nice conditions for this capture, and it's accompanied by four moons (l-r: Mimas, Dione, Tethys, Enceladus).
C14, ASI290MM, 15mins with RGB filters.
Copyright: Andy Casely