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2024, June 2024 Charles Lillo 2024, June 2024 Charles Lillo

The Cat's Eye Galaxy

Messier 94 (NGC 4736) is a striking spiral galaxy located approximately 16 million light-years away in the constellation Canes Venatici. This galaxy is known for its bright, star-forming ring, which surrounds a prominent central region. The ring is an area of intense star formation, giving M94 its unique and vibrant appearance. The galaxy's tightly wound spiral arms and bright nucleus make it a popular target for both professional and amateur astronomers.

One of the interesting features of M94 is its classification as a double-ringed galaxy, with an inner ring of young, hot stars and an outer ring that is more diffuse. The galaxy's inner region is dominated by older stars and shows little evidence of star formation. The distinct rings are thought to be caused by waves of density propagating through the galaxy, compressing gas and triggering star formation as they go. This fascinating structure offers valuable insights into the dynamics of spiral galaxies and the processes that drive star formation.

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