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2024, July 2024 Charles Lillo 2024, July 2024 Charles Lillo

The Other Witch's Broom 2-Panel Mosaic

This stunning 2-panel mosaic captures the southern part of the supernova remnant G65.3+5.7, also known as "The Other Witch's Broom." The intricate filaments and delicate structures of this remnant are beautifully highlighted in this image.

Supernova remnants like G65.3+5.7 are formed from the explosive death of massive stars, leaving behind these complex and ethereal structures. The wispy tendrils of gas and dust in this image are remnants of the original star's outer layers, now interacting with the surrounding interstellar medium. This mosaic provides a detailed view of the southern section of this vast and intricate cosmic structure, showcasing the beauty and complexity of the aftermath of stellar explosions.

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