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Mars , the Flaming Star and Tadpole Nebula
Mars, the red planet is by joined by IC 405 and IC 410 two large emission nebulae. The 3 targets lined up in the constellation Auriga for this this widefield image.
Geminide meteor shower 2021
Image Description and Details :
Here an image of the Geminides meteor shower as seen from the cockpit at an altitude of 40.000’. It was taken yesterday morning on a flight from Denmark back to The Netherlands. Being high above the clouds meant my copilot and I wouldn't be bothered by the thick clouds which covered most of Europe during the peak of this year’s shower. The landing light I switched on for a better composition, to lead the eye towards the constellation of Gemini.The image is a composite of 10 different images, blended together in Photoshop. Taken with a canon 6D an a Samyang 14mm lens.
Copyright: Thomas Röell
Monkey Head Nebula
A true winter target, not exactly fitting for Summer solstice, today it’s the longest day of the year.
However it’s about time to finish with my last winter images, to make room for the summer nebulae to come, so here it is.
And although the data was gathering digital dust, is was a lot of fun to process in the end, lots of tiny details and vibrant colors.
The Monkey Head Nebula, NGC 2174, is a HII emission nebula in the constellation of Orion. It’s guesstimated to be located at a distance of 6,400 light-years from earth.