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May 2022, 2022 Jason Matter May 2022, 2022 Jason Matter

M51 Whirlpool Galaxy

Object Messier 51, or Ngc 5194 the known Swirl Galaxy, is a spiral type, is in full collision interacting with another galaxy by the force of gravity attracted among each other.

It is located about 23 million light years from Earth 🌏 in the constellation Canes Venatici.

Team used;

Telescope 🔭 Newton 200/1000 modified

Camera; Zwo ASI1600mm+EFW 7x2"

filters; Baader 2" L-RGB

Mounting; Skywatcher Eq6r-pro

Guide; Ts60/240mm+ZwoAsi462mc

Self-focus; Rb-focus Merlin prototype

Smarbox; Gaius Rb-focus

Rb-focus carbon fiber spider

Noctua fan.

Capture details;

Date; 24/April/2020

Captures; Mallorca

Sky Class; Bortle 4

25x180s L -15°

22x180s R -15°

22x180s. G. - 15°

22x180s B -15°

15x180s Ha - 15°

30 ~ Darks

25 ~ Flats

5h 18" of full integration

Sequence done with NINA, assisted with Ascom Eqmod, Phd2, Image calibration, stacked and processed with Pixinsight 1.8 Repley, signed on Ps2022

copyright: Abel Borrasca

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