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Rho Ophiuchi & the blue horse head nebula
And we have built the heaven with one hand, and we are the expanders. (Zhariyat 14)
This nebula is one of the most beautiful nebula and the one I loved to me, I tried a lot to photograph it, but the results were not satisfactory, and thank God, God helped me to take this photo that combines the Roh Oviuchi nebula on the right and the blue horse's head nebula on my left.
One of the mose beautiful nebulas and dearest to me, so far i wasn’t successful in capturing it, but alhamdullah i was able to do it properly this time, Rho Ophiuchi on the right, and the blue horse head on the left.
Nikon D810a, Samyang 135mm (Thanks Arun Vijay for lending it to me) 50x180sec iso800, f2, 50 bias, 30 darks, synthetic flat, Captured on APT, stacked on Pixinsight, processed on photoshop. Piggy back guiding on my main scope and mount.
Copyright: Anas Albounni