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2022, April 2022 Jason Matter 2022, April 2022 Jason Matter


Image Description and Details : This is a LRGB composition with about 12.000 1 sec frames for the luminance to which I added the color obtained from about 8.000 images in H-alpha and as many in OIII (R/Ha - G/40%Ha-60%OIII - B/OIII). Then I added the H-alpha and the OIII channels to compose the L-RGB-Ha-OIII.

Dobson 600mm f3.8
StellarCAT - Nexus DSC
L 12.000 x 1 sec. bin 1 -10°
R (H-alpha) 8000 x 1 sec. bin 1 -10°
G (40% H-alpha/60% OIII)
B (OIII) 8000 x 1 sec. bin 1 -10°
Astronomik L2 filter 2" mounted
Astronomik H-alpha 12 nm filter 2" mounted
Astronomik OIII 12 nm filter 2" mounted
Dark x 200
Paracorr type 2
Falcon derotator
SharpCap - SiriL - PixInsight - PS - AstroSurface
Bortle 8

Copyright: Filippo Scopelliti 

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