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2020 Jason Matter 2020 Jason Matter

Comet C/2020 F3 NEOWISE

Comet C/2020 F3 NEOWISE rising over Plattsburgh, New York and the Champlain Valley. I woke up early this morning and trekked to a hilltop in the Adirondacks for this capture looking toward the East at sunrise. The comet was clearly naked eye and an amazing sight. I highly urge you to check it out. Right now it is in the early morning sky at sun rise but it will be working it’s way to the evening sky and toward Ursa Major later this month. I used a Canon T5i camera with a stock 75mm to 300mm lens on a fixed tripod, with an intervalometer. The first image is at 200mm focal length and the second wide field image is at 75mm.

COPYRIGHT:  TJ Connolly‎

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