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The Sun is Boss
Image Description and Details : Captured from Perth Western Australia, using a Skywatcher 127 Maksutov, with an IR/UV Cut filter covering the objective lens,
and a Daystar Quark Chromosphere Solar filter before the camera.
Approx 1500mm F/L.
Composite of two separate exposures.
Lower exposure for the Suns Chromosphere, slightly higher exposure for the Prom.
Incidently, the main prom size reaches out roughly 180,000km. you can see a faint afterburn which continues for approx another 80,000km.
Measurements based on suns diameter and curvature, derived from a full disc image of this event.
Copyright: Copyright: David Gray
Is this close enough for you?
Image Description and Details : This ultra high resolution of the full moon was constructed using a total of 1530 individual photos captured during all consecutive phases of the moon from new moon to full. The resulting single image measures a whopping 165,000 megapixels, (50,000 x 33.000 pixels).
The assembly of the final images took over 300 hours to stitch together to piece together this one single image.
Imaged from Perth, Western Australia using ...
Skywatcher 12@ Dobsonian Goto Telescope
2x Barlow lens
ZWOasi 183mc Camera
A video presentation with description of several major craters can be found on the above link.
Copyright:: David Gray