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2022, June 2022 Jason Matter 2022, June 2022 Jason Matter

LBN168 Tulip Nebula

Image Description and Details : Tulip Nebula captured by David Wills at PixelSkies, Castillejar, Spain Ha 80 x 300s OIII 80 x 300s SII 105 x 300s 22 hrs 5 mins in total. Equipment used: Telescope: Takahashi Baby Q FSQ-85ED F3.9 Camera: Xpress Trius SX-694 Pro Mono Cooled to -10C Image Scale: 2.08 Guiding: OAG Filters: Astronomik Ha,OIII,SII Mount: iOptron CEM60 "Standard" GOTO Centre Balanced Equatorial Mount Image Acquisition: Voyager Observatory control: Lunatico Dragonfly Stacking and Calibrating: Pixinsight Processing: Pixinsight 1.8, Photoshop CC

Copyright: David Wills

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September 2021, 2021 Jason Matter September 2021, 2021 Jason Matter

NGC 7635 The Bubble Nebula

Image Description and Details : NGC 7635 The Bubble Nebula captured by David Wills at PixelSkies, Castillejar, Spain

Red 583 x 30s
Green 1483 x 30s
Blue 468 x 30s
Ha 74 x 300s

21 hrs 8 mins hours in total.

Equipment used:

Telescope: Celestron 8" Edge HD

Camera: Xpress Trius SX-694 Pro Mono Cooled to -10C (Binned x2)

Image Scale: 0.8

Guiding: OAG

Filters: Astronomik Ha

Mount: iOptron CEM60 "Standard" GOTO Centre Balanced Equatorial Mount

Image Acquisition: Voyager

Observatory control: Lunatico Dragonfly

Stacking and Calibrating: Pixinsight

Processing: Pixinsight 1.8, Photoshop CC

Copyright: David Wills

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2020 Jason Matter 2020 Jason Matter

NGC 884 Part of the Double Cluster

This is Part of the Double Cluster imaged during the moon phase so not the best conditions. I may make this a mosaic and capture the other half to complete it. Processing wise I have not really done much just stretched it and a bit of noise reduction and that's it a nice easy one.

Captured by David Wills at PixelSkies, Spain www.pixelskiesastro.com

Red 25x300Secs

Green 34x300Secs
Blue 48x300Secs
8 hours 55 mins in total.

Equipment used:
Telescope: Tec 140 F7
Camera: Xpress Trius SX-694 Mono Cooled to -10C
Image Scale: 0.95
Guiding: OAG
Filters: Astronomik RGB
Mount: iOptron CEM60 "Standard" GOTO Centre Balanced Equatorial Mount
Image Acquisition: Voyager
Observatory control: Lunatico Dragonfly
Stacking and Calibrating: Pixinsight
Processing: Pixinsight 1.8

Copyright: David Wills

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2020 Jason Matter 2020 Jason Matter

Horsehead Nebula - B33

Horsehead Nebula LRGB, Ha. Taken from PixelSkies, Spain www.pixelskiesastro.com

This target was what got me into Astrophotography many years ago but I could never do it justice in the UK with the light-polluted skies in Birmingham so now living in Spain and running a Remote Telescope Hosting site I have been able to collect better quality data and do it more justice.

Lum 25x900Secs

Red 48x300Secs

Green 19x300Secs

Blue 20x300Secs

Ha 81x1200Secs

40 hours 35 mins in total.

Equipment used:

Telescope: Tec 140 F7

Camera: Xpress Trius SX-694 Mono Cooled to -10C

Image Scale: 0.95

Guiding: OAG

Filters: Astronomik LRGB, Ha

Mount: iOptron CEM60 "Standard" GOTO Centre Balanced Equatorial Mount

Image Acquisition: Voyager

Observatory control: Lunatico Dragonfly

Stacking and Calibrating: Pixinsight

Processing: Pixinsight 1.8

Copyright: David Wills

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