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DeHt 2
Image Description and Details : DeHt 2 is a faint (mag 14.9) planetary nebula in Ophiuchus. It is estimated to be 6000 to 10,000 light years from Earth. It was discovered in 1979 by J. Dengel, H. Hartl and R. Weinberger. The mag 13.5 spiral galaxy at upper left is UGC10943, located about 115 million light years away. Image captured on my remote dual rig at Fregenal de la Sierra in Spain between 13 May - 8 June 2022. Scopes: APM TMB LZOS 152 Refractors Cameras: QSI6120wsg8 Mounts: 10Micron GM2000 HPS A total of 68 hours 30 minutes (HaOIIILRGB)
Copyright: Peter Goodhew