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January 2023, 2023 Jason Matter January 2023, 2023 Jason Matter

The Fish head nebula (IC 1795)

Image Description and Details : IC 1795 (Fish head), is a diffuse nebula identifiable in the constellation of Cassiopeia, towards the border with the Giraffe. It is part of an extensive nebular complex that is the site of very active star formation which includes the areas W4 (Heart Nebula) and W3 (IC 1795 and NGC 896).
For the acquisition of the signal, very narrow band filters (3nm) were used in order to create the Hubble palette which associates HII, OIII and SII to the G, B and R channels.
A total of 21 hours of exposure were required, carried out in the Valle degli Ulivi (Taranto-Italy) at 80m a.s.l.
Technical data
Sky: SQM 20,45
Lights: 83x300s Ha(3nm) + 80x300s OIII(3nm), 88x300s SII(3nm)
Telescope: Skywatcher Quattro 250P + GPU Coma corrector
Camera: QHY 294M Pro
Mount: Sky-Watcher AZ-EQ6 GT
Filters: Optolong SHO 3nm
Processing: DeepSkyStacker, Photoshop CC, PixInsight

Copyright: Tommaso Massimo Stella

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October 2021, 2021 Jason Matter October 2021, 2021 Jason Matter

The Fish Head Nebula

Image Description and Details : The Fish head Nebula (IC1795) is a star forming region in Casseopeia, and part of the Heart Nebula Complex. Often seen as an appendage in wide field shots, close up it has some fascinating dust lanes, back lighting and reflection as well as emission components.
Its relatively close to Earth at 6000 light years. This image is shot in SHO ( Hubble) Palette and is full frame ( no crop) at 2650mm Focal length.

I shot this over 4 nights about two weeks ago on my Planewave CDK14 out in the New Mexico desert.

This was my first test of 15 min unguided sub shooting on the Planewave mounted on an L-350 mount. I was able to use about 80% of all subs.

Tech stuff:
Scope : Planewave CDK14
Mount : Planewave L-350
Camera : ZWO ASI 6200 MM Pro ZWO filter wheel Astronomik filters
35 x 15 min Ha 12nm
30 x15 Min OIII 12nm
24 x15 Min SII 12nm
Shot as Bin 1 downsampled to Bin 2x2 in Pixinsight
Processing Pixinsight and PS 2021

Copyright: Richard Whitehead 2021

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2020 Jason Matter 2020 Jason Matter

IC1795 - The Fishhead Nebula

IC 1795 - The Fish Head nebula

IC 1795 is an area of gas and dust and also a star forming region in the northern constellation Cassiopeia.
IC 1795 is an extension of the larger Heart nebula or IC 1805.

The brightest part of the nebula has the designation NGC 896 in the New General Catalogue. It is classified separately because it was the first part of IC 1805 to be discovered.

Equipment used:

Eq6 hypertune gen2 by DarkFrame Ltd
AstroTech 106LE with upgraded Moonlite focuser
TSFlat 2" field flattener
Qhyccd QHY183M Coldmos, cooled at - 20°C
7x1.25" Starlight Xpress USB filterwheel
Baader 1.25" filters, 7nm Ha, 8.5nm Oiii and 8nm Sii
Qhyccd QHY5L-IIM guide camera
TS09OAG off axis guider
Qhyccd Polemaster

Software used:
Eqmod, SGP - Sequence Generator Pro, PHD2, Stellarium with stellariumScope, SharpCap for polar alignment

Date: 14.09 to 11.12.2019

Location: Bushey, bortle 6

Total integration time 19 hours

Stacked in AstroPixel Processor and processed in Pixinsight and Photoshop CC 2019

Copyright: Emil Andronic

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