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van den Bergh 141
The Ghost Nebula - Reflection Nebula in Cepheus
PlaneWave CDK-20 20" f/7.7 Astrograph
PlaneWave L-500 Mount
QHY600M CMOS Camera
Total exposure: LRGB 9.25 hours
Sierra Remote Observatories
June 2022
Data acquisition by Eric Coles
Image processing by Bob Fera
vdB141 is an eerie-looking cloud of dust and gas that's reflecting the light of nearby stars.
Copyright: Bob Fera
TSA 102 f/6
CCD Atik One 6
Guiding : Atik OAG + Atik GP
Astronomik Filters
L : 8h15
RGB : 1h45
Processing : Pixinsight + PS
Copyright : Jean-Baptiste Auroux