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Gum 15
Gum 15, nestled within the expansive reaches of the Carina Nebula in the southern skies, emerges as a celestial crucible of stellar birth and evolution. This emission nebula, also known as RCW 33, is situated approximately 7,500 light-years from Earth, within the vibrant tapestry of the Milky Way galaxy.
At the heart of Gum 15 lies a bustling stellar nursery, where dense clouds of gas and dust coalesce under the influence of gravity to give birth to new generations of stars. The intense radiation emitted by these young stars illuminates the surrounding nebula, casting it aglow with vibrant hues of pink and red, amidst the dark tendrils of dust that pervade the region.
Gum 15 offers astronomers a unique opportunity to study the processes of star formation in action. Through meticulous observation and analysis, scientists seek to unravel the intricate dynamics of this cosmic cauldron, shedding light on the fundamental processes that govern the birth and evolution of stars throughout the universe. As humanity delves deeper into the mysteries of Gum 15, it serves as a reminder of the boundless beauty and complexity of the cosmos, inspiring wonder and awe in all who contemplate its celestial splendor.
The Gum 15 star formation region
Image Description and Details :
12.5" f/9 Quasar Ritchey Chretien, SBIG STL11000, Losmandy Tita9
Frames: Red: 10x600", Green: 9x600", Blue: 21x60", Lum: 74x600", total exposure: 16.1 horas
This richly detailed shows the star formation region Gum 15. This little-known object is located in the constellation of Vela (The Sails), some 3000 light-years from Earth. The glowing cloud is a stunning example of an HII region.
Copyright: Insight Observatory (Franck Jobard by Deep Sky Chile) / Ruben Barbosa
The Star forming region GUM 15
Image Description and Details :
Gum 15 is a nebula from the Gum catalog, located in the constellation of Vela, about 3,000 light-years from Earth. It is shaped by aggressive winds flowing from the stars within and around it. The bright star in the center of the nebula is HD 74804, a double starRA: 08h 43m 52.5sDEC: -41° 14' 39"Location: VelaDistance: 3 klyAcquisition December 2019Total acquisition time: 18.6 hours.Based on data from Telescope.live CHI-1Technical DetailsData acquisition: Telescope LiveProcessing: Nicolas ROLLANDLocation: El Sauce Observatory, Rio Hurtado, ChileR 36 x 600 secG 40 x 600 secB 40 x 600 secOptics: Planewave 24“ CDK @ F5.6CCD: FLI PL 9000Pre Processing: CCDstack & PixinsightPost Processing: Photoshop CC
Copyright Information: Data acquisition: Telescope.live, Processing: Nicolas ROLLAND