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NGC 5139
Today we see a shot of the spherical constellation Omega Centauri, NGC 5139, which can be found at the same time on www.astronomie.de with professional explanations by Peter Riepe as the astrophoto of the week. Of course, there is a comparison on Saturday, because a new picture of Fuerteventura from early June was successful in good conditions.
Setup: Planewave CDK 24, 60 cm, f 6,5
Camera FLI PL 9000 with Filterrad
Mathis Mount with Absolut Encoders
Exposure 8h 30 min.
LRGB with Fitswork, PixInsight und PS
Copyright: Hans Dorfeldt
NGC 5128
In the southern constellation Centaurus (Centaur) is the radio galaxy of the same name Centaurus A, catalog NGC 5128. Due to its proximity to about 17 million Lj, it has been intensively investigated and at its core a black hole of about 55 million solar masses was detected. The unusual shape and high star formation is explained by the collision with another galaxy some 100 million years ago.
Setup: Planewave CDK, 60 cm, f 6,5
Kamera FLI PL 9000 mit Filterrad, 3056×3056 px, Bildfeld 32‘x32‘
Belichtung: 50 Einzelaufnahmen von 600s, davon 14xLuminanz und je 12xLRGB
Gesamt 8h 20 min.
Copyright: Hans Dorfeldt
NGC 2032, 2035 & 2029
In the Great Magellan Cloud there are many impressive fogs, here there is a collection of smaller samples. On the right we see NGC 2032, next to NGC 2035 and NGC2029. The explorer was John Herschel on 02 again. November 1834 during his stay in South Africa.
Setup: Planewave CDK, 60 cm, f 6,5
Kamera FLI PL 9000
Time: 8hrs
Processed in Hubblepalette with Fitswork, PixInsight and PS
Copyright: Hans Bernd
Antennae Galaxies
Image description:
In the constellation of Rabe we see an interesting process, the merger of the galaxies NGC 4038 and 4039. This interaction will cause a rapid star eclipse. The same fate will happen in the distant future when Andromeda Galaxy and Milky Way collide. Here it is in 66 million Lj distance for us just a play in the cosmos.
Setup: Planewave CDK, 60 cm, f 6,5
Kamera FLI PL 9000 mit Filterrad, 3056×3056 px
Processed in LRGB with Fitswork, PixInsight and PS
Copyright: Hans Dorfeldt