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NGC 6543 - Cat's Eye Nebula
NGC 6543, commonly known as the Cat's Eye Nebula, is a striking planetary nebula located in the constellation Draco, approximately 3,300 light-years from Earth. This nebula is one of the most complex planetary nebulae known, featuring intricate structures including concentric shells, jets, and knots of high-density gas. The central star, a dying red giant, has shed its outer layers, creating the glowing shell of ionized gas visible in detailed telescopic images.
The Cat's Eye Nebula is particularly noted for its rich array of colors, which are caused by different types of ionized gases. For example, the blue-green hues are from oxygen, while the reddish tones come from hydrogen and nitrogen. This nebula serves as a key object of study for understanding the end-of-life stages of medium-sized stars and the complex processes involved in the creation of planetary nebulae.
LBN 576 (Abell 85 and CTB 1)
Image Description and Details : LBN 576 (also known as Abell 85 and CTB 1) is a faint supernova remnant lying almost 10,000 light years away.
Very diffuse nebula and challenge target, which required many hours of exposure, around 26 hours to obtain this result. Hope you like it.
Mount: Sky-Watcher EQ6-r
Telescope: TS APO 80/500
Capture camera: QHY294MM
Guide camera: ASI 120MM
Filters: Baader CMOS Ha 3.5nm; Baader CMOS OIII 4nm
Ha: 115x400s | Gain 1750 | -10ºC
OIII: 120x400s | Gain 1750 | -10ºC
Total Exposure: ~26h
Acquisition: Sharpcap; APT
Edition: PixInsight Core; PS
Location: Sabugo - Portugal | Bortle 6/7
Oct/Nov 2021
Copyright: Henrique Silva