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Cederblad 111

Image Description and Details :

Cederblad 111 is a blue reflection nebula in the southern constellation of Chamaeleon and is part of one of the closest dark cloud complexes to the earth at only 550 Ly distance away. Cederblad 110 is the accompanying reflection nebula in this wide field image Both are part of Chameleon I molecular cloud complex. The small, elongated, bright red objects at the center of the image are Hebrig-Haro objects (HH 49-50), which form from a collision between ionized jets of gas ejected from newly born stars and the surrounding cloud. This area of the sky is rich in dust and Ha creating new bright stars within the dusty shroud. 40 x 900s Stellarvue SV80ST - ASI6200 - AP1600 Processed entirely in Pixinsights Imaged from Obstech Observatory El Sauce, Chile

Copyright: Simon Lewis

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