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July 2022, 2022 Jason Matter July 2022, 2022 Jason Matter

Jupiter, IO and GRS

Image Description and Details : A long awaiting window of good seeing finally transpired over my home observatory in Pembroke Pines, Florida early on Sunday morning July 3rd. The image is the result of 120 seconds capture at 13ms exposure, and stacked the best 46% of the frames. Europa and the Great Red Spot adding to the field of view. Hardware used: Celestron C11 Edge HD QHY 5-III 462c Camera ZWO Atmospheric Dispersion Corrector TeleVue 2.5 Powermate Primalucelab Eagle2 Pro Seeing conditions 4/5 Captured at 10:00 UT 07/03/2022 CM1=122.5 CM2=28.5 CM3=296.4 Earth distance at time of capture - 4.790 AU

Copyright: Varney Observatory

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2020 Jason Matter 2020 Jason Matter

Jupiter with Europa/ Io transit

This one came very close to being a double transit. But just as Europa breaks the limb to the right, Io just starts to enter from the left.The 2 shadows do, however, transit the disk together. Only a few pixels would have made a double planet/ shadow transit. Oh well. This was shot on 05/19/2017. Time starts at 02:51 UT and ends at 04:43 UT.

Copyright: John Cox

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