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Catena Davy and Muller?

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Some time ago I posted a photo with the Astrobin comment ( http://www.astrobin.com/57641/ ) that I suspected that the alignment of craters near Muller could be a Catena.Seeing this new photo taken a few days ago when the two are present (Muller and Davy) this feeling gets even stronger.Still, I reserve the right to doubt mainly due to the diameter of the craters that appear to form Muller, they are too large for us to imagine a stone block of this size rebounding or even a succession of blocks hitting the Moon after the initial object has been fragmented. .However, not being totally impossible, the suggestion for posteriority remains.Catena, catenae (Chain of Craters) -Name adopted by the UAI to designate a chain of craters on the surface of the moon or a planet. They are the result of the rebound and eject material from the impact that formed the main crater. Davy crater crater is one of the most spectacular crater ridges on the Moon, stretching about 50 km away from the rim of ancient Davy crater.

Copyright: Astroavani

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