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2022, March 2022 Jason Matter 2022, March 2022 Jason Matter

NGC 2736 The Pencil Nebula in Narrowband HOO

Image Description and Details : NGC 2736 The Pencil Nebula is a gorgeous deep space object in the constellation Vela. Moving at roughly 644,000 kmh it is thought to have been formed from a shock wave of the larger Vela Supernova Remnant. It resides about 815 light-years away.
This target was shot using narrowband filters to create an HOO-palette image. 75 x 600s sub-frames were shot over 4 nights for a total integration time of about 12.5 hrs.

Skywatcher 10" f4 Newtonian 250P
Skywatcher F4 Aplanatic Coma Corrector
Skywatcher NEQ6 Pro Hypertuned by Astronomy Academy Perth
Primaluce Sesto Senso2 Electronic Focuser
ZWO ASI2600MM Pro Cooled Camera
ZWO Off Axis Guider
ZWO ASI290MM Mini Guide Camera
ZWO Electronic Filter Wheel
Antlia 3nm Narrowband Ha and Oiii 36mm unmounted filters
Rollon rolloff modified shed observatory
Bortle 5
Data acquisition software: NINA Astronomy Software
Processing software: PixInsight and Photoshop CC

Copyright: Carlos Taylor

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