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2022, June 2022 Jason Matter 2022, June 2022 Jason Matter

Galaxy M94

Image Description and Details : Galaxy M94 or Ngc 4736 is located about 14 million light years away in the constellation of the Hounds. The M94 galaxy is certainly one of the most beautiful galaxies observable in the spring sky. NGC 4736 was discovered by the French astronomer Pierre Méchain in 1781. Messier 94 is thought to have a diameter of 30,000 to 50,000 A.L. corresponding to its main nucleus. Beyond this, a much fainter looking halo extends another few tens of thousands of A.L. This picture was taken in Alentejo (South Portugal) in Remote de France by Team ARO from 04/07/22 to 05/08/22. Astrosib 400/3200 telescope on DDM 85 ASA mount. Camera Moravian G3 16200. Lum=89X5'. R,G,B=80x5' each Ha=18x20' each Total=33.41H Pixinsight-Photoshop processing

Copyright: Team ARO

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