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August 2022, 2022 Jason Matter August 2022, 2022 Jason Matter

The Southern Crown

Image Description and Details :
Corona Australis Nebula (NGC 6729) is a reflection nebula located 420 light years away from Earth in the constellation of Corona Australis. This nebula is the result of some bright stars that are inside a large and dusty cloud. It was the third variable nebula to be found and has been observed for over a century. It's considered a variable nebula because it changes its apparent brightness due to changes in the stars that illuminate it.

I took this picture on two different nights, resulting in a total of 5h15min of exposure.
Equipment: Canon 60D Astromodified, Askar ACL 200mm, Ioptron Skyguider Pro.
315 x 1min
ISO 1000
200mm f/4
Location: Nova Petrópolis, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Copyright: Guilherme Drumm Warpechowski

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July 2022, 2022 Jason Matter July 2022, 2022 Jason Matter

NGC 6729 Corona Australis in HaLRGB

Image Description and Details : NGC 6729 is a reflection/emission nebula (star-forming region) located some 424 light-years away in the constellation of Corona Australis (The Southern Crown). It is part of one of the closest stellar nurseries to Earth. The Corona Australis Molecular Cloud is a dusty dark molecular cloud just north of one of its two brighter stars Beta Coronae Australis. Within it are stars at the earliest stages of their lifespan. 7 x 10min Ha and 85 x 5min RGB subs @-10C were taken over 5 nights for a total integration time of about 8.3 hrs. Equipment used: Skywatcher 10" f4 Newtonian 250P Skywatcher F4 Aplanatic Coma Corrector Skywatcher NEQ6 Pro Hypertuned by Astronomy Academy Perth ZWO ASI2600MM Pro Cooled Camera Primaluce Sesto Senso2 Electronic Focuser William Optics Uniguide 50/200mm guidescope ZWO ASI290MM Mini Guide Camera ZWO Electronic Filter Wheel Antlia Pro 36mm unmounted filters Rollon rolloff modified shed observatory Bortle 5 Data acquisition software: NINA Astronomy Software Processing software: PixInsight and Photoshop CC

Copyright: Capturing Ancient Photons

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